Support in starting up and doing business in Poland
We welcome you to the world of business in Poland with our consulting company, which has been successfully accompanying entrepreneurs in this country since 2017.
We are a team of professionals ready to solve the most complex problems and overcome various bureaucratic barriers for our clients.
About Us
Since 2017, we have been successfully operating in the field of business consulting in Poland, having accumulated a wealth of practical experience and valuable knowledge about the intricacies of doing business in this country. Our team consists of professionals whose skills and experience allow us to effectively solve various tasks facing our clients.

We specialize in registration and support of companies in Poland. Our main areas of focus are:

  • Transportation, Logistics, Expedition
  • Trading companies
  • Service sector
  • Gastronomy
  • E-commerce and IT
  • Employment agencies

We have an in-depth understanding of different business areas and are ready to support our clients in complex situations.

Our approach to work is based on a deep understanding of our clients' needs and the search for individual solutions. We are ready to take on complex tasks and efficiently resolve administrative issues related to the regulation of doing business in Poland.
  • Creation of a working transport company on a turnkey basis.
  • Obtaining transport licenses, forwarding licenses, various permits, concessions.
  • Registration of drivers, calculation of drivers’ work hours, legalization of drivers’ stay.
  • Insurance and legal support.
  • Communication with the Transport Inspectorate in the interests of the client.
  • Registration of vehicles and obtaining driver certificates (red papers), transportation permits, ECMT books, S certificates and other necessary documents at the Transport Inspectorate.
  • Sale of ready-made new companies with a transport or forwarding license.
  • Rent of proven parking lots for the normal functioning of the transport company.
  • Certification of competence in transport: providing effective solutions to our clients, for the smooth functioning of transport workflows within the scope of the license.
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Accounting and HR:
  • Full accounting and personnel support on various reporting forms.
  • Assistance in submitting applications for work permits, residence cards and other documents to the relevant government authorities.
  • Accompanying employees when hiring, collecting all documents, inviting an inspector to conduct labor safety training.
  • Calculation of the work of tacho cards of drivers taking into account the requirements of the Mobility Package.
  • Registration of drivers in the IMI system for business trips to other EU countries.
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Legal services:
  • Registration of companies, making changes in companies (shares, purchases, sale, management, activities, prokurents, etc.), work with KRS, S24, PRS systems, temporary suspension of company activities, capital increase, etc.
  • Working with registries and certifications such as KRAZ, BDO, PUESC, GUS, CRBR, Traces NT, UKE, CFR, IMI and others.
  • Trademark registration.
  • Work with fines and administrative cases.
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  • Real offices for registering companies, avoiding the problems of “virtual offices”.
  • Assistance with opening bank accounts, obtaining VAT payer status and transport licenses.
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Crisis management:
  • In the case of non-standard, complex situations, we are here to help you find working solutions.
  • At various stages of administrative proceeding, we assess the situation and recommend concrete steps for successful resolution.
  • Administrative issues with the Main Road Transport Inspectorate (Głowny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego), Provincial Office (Urząd Wojewódzki), Labor Office (Urząd Pracy) etc.
  • Prevention of situations related to registration to "virtual addresses" and unprepared applications to banks. Unlike competitors who offer quick and cheap solutions, behind which there are big and unsolvable problems, we - maximally advise the client before something happens and bring things to the result.
  • Problems with opening accounts, obtaining VAT status and transport licenses.
  • We deeply analyze each case, forestall the client about possible consequences and bring the things to a close.
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Prokurent (registered authorized company representative):
  • Cooperation at the prokurent level with client representation in meetings, participation in inspections, resolution of bureaucratic issues on site, simplifying document flow and reducing the need for personal presence of company board representatives to a minimum.
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  • Experience and professionalism:
    We are a team of experienced professionals, successfully working in the field of consulting in Poland since 2017. Our experience and understanding of the business environment make us a reliable partner for our clients.
  • Solving difficult situations:
    We effectively handle the administration of cases, including resolving current issues with the Main Road Transport Inspectorate (Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego), ZUS (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych), Tax Administration (Urząd Skarbowy), Motor Vehicle Registration Authorities (Urząd Miasta, Urząd Dzielnicy, Starostwo), Labor Office (Urząd Pracy), Provincial Office (Urząd Wojewódzki) and other authorities.
  • Outstanding results:
    Our achievements speak for themselves. We have helped launch more than 300 companies in Poland, obtained more than 150 transport licenses, issued dozens of forwarding licenses, registered hundreds of vehicles and registered thousands of employees of our clients.
  • Local support:
    Having offices in different cities of Poland allows us to register and support companies with maximum efficiency, excluding virtual company registrations and allowing remote ways of solving tasks at different stages.
  • Full support:
    We can organize complex accounting, HR and legal support, outsourcing of operational activities, providing our clients with a full range of services for successful business in Poland.
Tax identification number


+48 500 114 349


Address in Lublin:
Melgiewska 74/P-1 Studio, 20-234
Lublin, Poland

Address in Katowice:
Korfantego 2/534, 40-004
Katowice, Poland
Frequently Asked Questions
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